Omega 99

Jumat, 24 Februari 2023

How to Contact Facebook Support: 7 Easy (& Direct) Ways

 how to contact facebook support oprah meme

We’re here for you.

Thankfully, Facebook offers many options when seeking support. We developed this guide to show you all the ways to contact Facebook customer support.

What is Facebook support?

Facebook support helps you manage your Facebook account better. It aims to provide you with the best possible user experience by supplying helpful information, assistance, and guidance on topics like privacy and security, Marketplace, Groups, your business page, and many more.

Facebook support also offers other useful functions such as monitoring your account activity, getting assistance from experts, and generally getting the most out of Facebook.


7 ways to contact Facebook support

What methods of support does Facebook offer? We dig into these below.

TL;DR: Facebook does not offer phone support. You may find a couple of phone numbers floating around the web (spoiler alert: those are 650-543-4800 and 650-308-7300), but they won’t be very helpful. Both lead to pre-recorded messages that encourage you to email or access the online Help Center.

The good news is that we’ve covered all the available options in this section. Read on!

1. Facebook Help Center support

If you aren’t sure how to use a feature on Facebook or want to report a bug or issue, the Fa is the place to go. The Facebook Help Center has answers to thousands of questions about everything from account security to account deletion and everything in between.

For example, if you’re unable to log in or change your profile picture, you can learn how to resolve these issues by visiting the Account settings topic page.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

How to Delete an Instagram Account (The Easy Way)


Decided Instagram isn’t the best fit for your business? No sweat. Unlike real life, there’s an undo button: you can delete your Instagram account permanently.

Before you delete, consider backing up your account data in case you need it. Be aware the data will be a computer-readable HTML or JSON format, not individual profile photos, videos, comments, etc.

Ready? Here’s how to delete your Instagram account in the app, from a computer, or via mobile web browser.

How to delete an Instagram account on iOS

Step 1: Go to your account in the Instagram app. Then, tap the menu icon (3 lines) in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Navigate to Settings, then Account.

Step 3: Tap Delete account.

delete account option

Instagram will suggest deactivating instead of deleting. Deactivation hides your account and is reversible anytime. If you still want to permanently delete the Instagram account, go ahead and tap Delete account.

delete account instead of temporarily deactivating

Step 3: Confirm deletion.

Instagram will ask you AGAIN… You’re sure about this, right?

Sabtu, 16 April 2022

Best 100% Working Backlink Checker Script PHP 2022


There is so many developers who trying to develop own backlink checker script but now that’s very hard to do here you have to crawl every indexed web-page. Backlinks are identified by bot. If you want to develop own bot than you have to invest thousands of dollars so wouldn’t recommend it.

In this post I’m going to share with you self-hosted PHP based backlink checker tool you can grab 25000 links monthly with this script in free of cost. So I believe, this backlink checker script can be helpful to find local competitors external links in free (to be leverage)!

What Is Backlink ?

When A web page links to any other page it is called Backlink. (Eaxmple: linked with Backlink is also known as external link, There is two types of Backlink: Do-follow and No-follow.

Structure of Do-Follow Backlink

<a href="">Website</a>

Structure of No-Follow Backlink

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Website</a>

Do Follow Backlink helping us to improve website indexing, keyword ranking, referral traffic, domain authority, page authority even if we talk about No follow link so it only helping us to improve Domain authority, page authority and getting referral traffic.

What Are Requirements For Creating Backlinks Checker Script ?

Here you need only few things

  • Website Hosting
  • MOZ Account
  • Little Knowledge

Selasa, 08 Maret 2022

How to Find and Buy EXPIRED DOMAINS with Backlinks and Traffic

Link building can be a b*tch 😖. It’s time consuming, requires networking and hundreds of outreach e-mails. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. What if I told you there is a way to get high quality backlinks in a matter of minutes?

This blogpost shows exactly that, through finding and buying expired domains 🤠.

What are expired domains?

Expired domains are domain names that have not been renewed after the contract ended or have been terminated on purpose. This means they are (or will become) available for re-registration again.

Why are expired domains of value (for SEO)?

Expired domains matter for SEO because these domains still have backlinks pointing to them. By re-registering them again, you can point these backlinks to your own website.

By doing this, you increase the amount of backlinks to your website, and thus increase your domain authority. It is known that backlinks are a direct ranking factor and increase your rankings in Google.

In some cases, you can even find domains that still rank for certain keywords and still receive traffic from those rankings! You have to be quick though, as Google will notice expirations at some point, as a result the website will slowly disappear from the search index.

However, not all expired domains are valuable and there are different ways to use them 🤔.

Read on.

How to find and buy expired domains?

Finding recently expired domains is quite easy, let me introduce to you the biggest expired domains search engine:

Senin, 07 Maret 2022

Panduan GSA SER : Tutorial Lengkap dan SEO Setting

GSA Search Engine Ranker atau biasa disingkat GSA SER adalah software otomatis untuk mencari backlink dari berbagai macam platform. Mulai dari article directory, blog comment, forum, guest post, pingpack, trackback, web 2.0 hingga wiki.


software gsa search engine ranker (ser)


Interface nya yang terkesan sederhana ternyata cukup banyak menipu pengguna yang baru menggunakannya (termasuk saya). Settingan dalemannya tidak sesederhana tampilannya karena ternyata pengaturan software yang belakangan jadi primadona pemain SEO seantero dunia ini lumayan kompleks, satu pengaturan kecil bisa berpengaruh ke pengaturan yang lainnya.

Sampai tulisan ini saya buat, belum banyak panduan GSA dalam bahasa Indonesia yang beredar baik dalam bentuk text maupun video. Kalaupun ada biasanya hanya meng-cover sebagian kecil saja.

Untuk itu saya beranikan diri membuat panduan GSA SER ini agar bisa memudahkan para pemula yang belum bisa dan kesulitan dalam menjalankan software nan powerful ini (meski saya sendiri juga masih baru menggunakannya).

Meskipun mengambil referensi dari web lain, panduan dan tutorial GSA SER yang saya tulis disini sudah saya praktekkan dan saya trial error sendiri, jadi saya benar-benar memahami apa yang saya tulis termasuk sebagian besar fungsi dan bagian-bagian yang ada di dalam software GSA SER. Dan ini juga bukan materi copy translate karena saya menulis semuanya sendiri dari 0 di papan DarkRoom.

software dark room

Banyak juga fitur-fitur yang saya temukan sendiri setelah beberapa minggu mengutek-utek software ini. Perlu diketahui juga bahwa saya baru sekitar satu bulanan menggunakan software ini, jadi jika ada materi tutorial yang kurang sesuai silahkan ditunggu kritik dan sarannya melalui kotak komentar. Karena saya masih hijau disini, saya kira masih banyak ruang nantinya yang bisa saya eksplorasi untuk menyempurnakan Panduan GSA SER ini.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2022

Mencari Aged Domain Berkualitas Untuk Optimasi Keyword Kelas Atas

Aged domain ini sebenarnya strategi lama yang sekarang berkecamuk lagi dengan berbagai perubahan metriks sesuai aturan main Google. Banyak sekali praktisi SEO gaya koboi yang menggunakan cara ini untuk menaklukkan keyword-keyword besar dan kompetitif.

Seberapa penting aged domain? Saya akan jawab dengan cerita dan pengalaman yang saya temukan.

Butuh aged domain yang berkualitas tanpa mau repot? Saya jual aged domain bagus-bagus, bisa dicoba.

Berawal dari riset berbagai keyword dengan potensi bisnis yang bagus, seperti biasa saya lakukan cek kompetitor secara mendalam menggunakan Ahrefs. Dalam kubangan itu, saya dapati fakta bahwa mereka menggunakan sumber-sumber backlink yang tidak biasa. Ora umum!

Ada begitu banyak sumber backlink kontekstual dengan nama domain aneh-aneh. Setelah saya cek domain-domain itu ternyata memang powerful, mendapat backlink dari situs-situs authority alias situs mammoth (mbahe gajah).

Buat gambarannya liat ilustrasi ini aja deh.

Ilustrasi skema piramida aged domain
Oret-oretan ilustrasi.

Nah, semoga paham ya..

Gambar di atas itu skema jadul sih, saya yakin semua pemain SEO sudah sangat familiar dengan skema macam ini. Pada gambar ilustrasi di atas ada 3 layer atau 3 tingkatan. Biasa juga disebut dengan skema backlink piramida.

Yang membedakan hanyalah komposisi backlinknya.

Jumat, 04 Februari 2022

Panduan Lengkap Cara Menghapus URL dari Google Search Console


Setiap kali kita submit artikel  ke Google Search Console maka artikel tersebut akan dirayapi oleh Google. Jika setelah dirayapi dan berhasil terindeks oleh Google maka url atau artikel tersebut akan muncul pada pencarian Google atau SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Namun terkadang yang namanya manusia pasti pernah melakukan kesalahan juga ketika ingin submit artikel sehingga yang seharusnya muncul pada pencarian Google adalah artikel kita dan ini yang muncul adalah broken link atau link rusak yang disebabkan karena kesalahan kita dalam pengetikkan url.

Menghapus link atau url dari Google Search Console sangatlah mudah. Di mana kita bisa menggunakan Google Search Console Removal URLs, , Robots.txt File, dan Google Remove Outdated Content. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan semua cara tersebut namun anda bisa pilih cara mana yang ingin anda gunakan.

 Dampak Buruk Broken Link atau Link Rusak

Sebelumnya jika anda ketahui bahwa link rusak atau broken link tadi dapat menyebabkan dampak negatif bagi kesehatan situs anda. Google akan mendeteksi bahwa situs anda memiliki kesehatan yang buruk dan bisa saja page rank situs anda menjadi turun
Oleh karena itu anda harus perhatikan dan lebih hati-hati lagi dalam submit artikel agar tidak ada kesalahan pada situs anda. Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir karena artikel ini akan membahas tentang Cara Menyembunyikan atau Menghapus Url dari Google Search Console secara lengkap.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2022

How to Find and Fix Broken Links in WordPress (Step by Step)


Everyone agrees that broken links are bad for user experience. But did you know that broken links can significantly hurt your WordPress SEO rankings?

Yes, it’s proven that having broken internal links on your website negatively impacts SEO rankings.

In this article, we will show you how to easily find and fix broken links in WordPress so that you can improve your user experience and SEO rankings.

Finding and fixing broken links in WordPress

What is a Broken Link?

A broken link, also known as a dead link, is a link that no longer works.

Broken links can happen for many reasons, but the most common reason is when a page is either deleted or moved to a different location which causes the server to show a 404 not found error.

On WordPress sites, broken links typically occur when moving a site to a new domain name, or when deleting a post or page without proper redirection.

Sometimes broken links can also happen due to a typo, and they can go unnoticed for months if not years.

This is why it’s extremely important to regularly monitor broken links on your site and fix them, so you can keep them from hurting your SEO rankings.

In this guide, we will share the top five methods to find broken links in WordPress. After that, we will show you an easy way to fix those broken links.

SEMRush is one of the best SEO tool on the market. It allows you to easily monitor your website’s SEO rankings and overall health.

It also includes a powerful site audit tool that crawls your website to find common errors and prepare a detailed report for you.

First, you’ll need to sign up for a SEMRush account.

It is a paid service, but they offer a limited free account that allows you to crawl up to 100 pages on one domain name. Paid plan limits start from 100,000 pages a month.

Once you are logged in, you need to click on the ‘Site Audit’ link from the left menu.

This will bring you to the Site Audit page. From here, click on the ‘New Site Audit’ button at the top to add your website.

Adding a new site audit in SEMRush

You will be asked to enter your domain name. After that, you will be asked to configure site audit settings. You can select the number of pages to crawl and choose a crawl source.

Senin, 03 Januari 2022

Keyword Golden Ratio: How to find keywords you can rank for in 48 hours

Do you want to find keywords you can rank for in Google in the top 50 (or better) in a few days?

You can use a data-driven method called the Keyword Golden Ratio that will help you to find the low-hanging fruit among the keywords and leapfrog the competition.

In this guide, you’ll find:

  • What is Keyword Golden Ratio and how it works
  • A case study of KGR success
  • Why ultra long tails help you skip the Google Sandbox
  • How to use a keyword tool to make the process easier
  • Some actual examples of KGR terms
  • Pitfalls and Frequently Asked Questions

What is Keyword Golden Ratio?

The Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) is a data-driven way to find keywords that are literally underserved on the internet.

If you find a Keyword Golden Ratio phrase and you publish a piece of content targeting the keyword, your article should rank in the top 50 within a few days – sometimes hours. If your site has a decent authority and isn’t brand new, then you can rank in the top 15.

The KGR is helpful for three main reasons.

  1. New website owners need to get traffic early to stay motivated. The KGR helps newbies get small wins faster. It’s amazing to get your first few visitors and sales. Nothing is more motivating than proving your concept by getting paid.
  2. You can prioritize what keywords and content you’ll publish on your site. If you’re staring at a list of thousands of keywords, then it’s pretty helpful to have a tool that can help you narrow down the list.
  3. Since it’s a manual process, you have data that other people can’t just pull up on a tool in a couple of minutes. That’s a valuable advantage that rewards hard work.

By the time you finish this post, I believe you’ll be curious enough to try the KGR yourself.

Senin, 27 Desember 2021

Panduan Lengkap Cara Mencari Domain Expired Berkualitas

Domain expired adalah domain yang masa aktifnya tidak diperpanjang lagi oleh pemilik sebelumnya sehingga bisa kita registrasi ulang.

Lalu, kenapa kita harus mencari domain expired ?

Bukankah domain baru lebih baik karena kita bisa memilih nama domain sesuai keinginan kita ?

Well, membeli domain baru adalah sesuatu yang umum dan banyak dilakukan oleh internet marketer, entah itu untuk website pribadi, perusahaan atau moneysite (web utama untuk mendapatkan earning). Tapi dalam beberapa kasus (terutama untuk internet marketer yang berkecimpung di bidang SEO), membeli domain expired bisa jadi satu pilihan yang mempunyai keuntungan tersendiri dibanding dengan membeli domain baru.

Apakah keuntungan itu ? Utamanya adalah untuk mem-bypass authority yang umumnya dipunyai oleh domain-domain expired, yang tentunya tidak dimiliki oleh domain yang masih baru. Sehingga nantinya, website bisa lebih mudah dan cepat meranking di search engine.

3 Fungsi Utama Domain Expired :

– Sebagai Moneysite

Dengan authority yang dipunyainya, domain expired bisa dijadikan moneysite yang potensial.

– Sebagai PBN

Domain expired juga bisa dijadikan PBN (Private Blog Network) yang kuat untuk mendongkrak ranking web-web moneysite di search engine.

– Sebagai 301 Redirects

Terakhir, domain expired bisa digunakan untuk mem-bypass linkjuice ke domain baru dengan teknik 301 redirect (tidak direkomendasikan untuk pemula, use at your own risk).

Senin, 20 Desember 2021

Guest Blogging in 2021: How I Wrote 80+ Guest Posts in 1 Year

If you just started a blog this year, you’re entering the most competitive search engine landscape in history. If guest blogging isn’t a part of your marketing strategy, you are severely limiting your growth.

It’s not 2008 anymore – you can’t hit page 1 on Google just by plopping down 500 words on a page or joining some shady backlink directory. You need to up your game.

High quality, long-form, media-heavy, and relevant blog posts with backlinks are what rank this year. (Gee, thanks for making us work harder, Google.)

And excluding on-page SEO, getting high quality, relevant backlinks from high Domain Authority sites are more critical than ever. So how do you get the most high-quality backlinks this year?

The answer is modernizing and scaling your guest blogging strategy.

To test the effectiveness of guest posting, I implemented a 15-day guest blogging experiment.

My goal was simple:

In 15 days, publish as many guest posts as possible on high Domain Authority sites to learn four key things:

Site Search